OCRME helps faculty and staff to design, develop, implement and evaluate curricula, academic programs and instructional methods, including computer-based applications. We also help develop support systems for course evaluation.

Curriculum Development Resources

Program Evaluation

Program Evaluation is a field of research and practice that applies rigorous scientific methodologies to determine the efficacy, worth, and effectiveness of a specific program, project, or initiative. Simply put, when somebody says, “We don’t even know if this program works, why do we have it?” a Program Evaluator can determine whether or not it works.

OCRME offers a range of Program Evaluation services and expertise that we adapt to the medical and medical education environments. Some examples of these would be:

  • Assisting the College of Medicine with determining the medical school curriculum effectiveness.
  • Working with researchers to develop an evaluation plan for their grant proposals, particularly for large “Center” grants such as the Institute for Clinical & Translational Science.
  • Conducting evaluations of specific programs or projects such as the Summer Health Professions Education Program.
  • Conducting evaluations of hospital or college initiatives such as the CultureVision implementation, which is a tool to help develop culturally responsive healthcare practice.
  • Developing surveys and other measurement instruments.

Exam & Multimedia Development

UI CCOM Performance-Based Assessment Program

UI Student Instructional Technology Assistant (SITA)
SITAs work one-on-one with instructors on projects that enhance instruction with technology.

UI Hardin MD Medical Information + Pictures
This meta-directory provides links to medical pictures, some of which are in the public domain.

US National Library of Medicine Digital Collections
A free online resource of biomedical books and still and moving images.

Kansas University Wichita Medical Library
A list of medical image sources.

Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia
Contains a library of medical illustrations and photographs. Some images are public domain.

Centers for Disease Control Public Health Image Library (PHIL)
Collection of images, animations, and audiovisuals, some in the public domain.

Question Writing Guide from the National Board of Medical Examiners