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Teaching Resources
Online Resources
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Blended Learning
A type of educational program in which students learn through both online delivery and face-to-face classroom activities. There are many models of blended learning, including flipped classroom, team-based learning, and peer education (see below).
Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning [PDF] (US Department of Education)
Clinical Teaching & Precepting
Practical Doc (Alberta Rural Physician Action Plan)
- Copyright and The University of Iowa
- Copyright Clearance Center
- Creative Commons (site to license your work)
- Copyright/Fair Use (Stanford)
Emerging Technologies & Methods
- Group on Information Resources (Association of American Medical Colleges)
- Educational Technology Work Group (Association of American Medical Colleges)
- EDUCAUSE, a nonprofit association promoting the use of information technology in higher education
- Educause "7 Things You Should Know About" series
- Horizon Reports, New Media Consortium produces reports and white papers that examine the role of technology in education, including periodic Horizons Reports that attempt to predict emerging technologies that will impact education.
Evidence-Based Medicine
Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine (Duke University/University of North Carolina)
Flipped Classroom Method
A type of blended learning in which students view recorded lectures on their own and do their more active "homework" in the classroom where the teacher is available to help them. The net teaching/learning time is the same; you just "flip" what was done as homework (application/problem-solving) with what was done in class (lecture).
Peer Instruction (Mazur Method)
- Farewell, Lecture? Mazur, E. Science, 2 January 2009, Vol. 323 no. 5910, pp. 50-51.
- Confessions of a Converted Lecturer [YouTube video]
- Turn to Your Neighbor (Peer Instruction Blog)
- Mazur Group (Eric Mazur website at Harvard)
Teaching Material Repositories
MedEd Portal, a free publication service for peer-reviewed health sciences teaching and assessment resources, provided by the Association of American Medical Colleges in partnership with the American Dental Education Association. Includes materials for team-based learning and problem-based learning. Registration required to access the materials.
Hardin Library for the Health Sciences
The Health Education Assets Library (HEAL) National Digital Library (University of Utah), a collection of over 22,000 freely available digital materials for health sciences education.
Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) (California State University)
National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science Collection
Team Based Learning (TBL)
Large-group teaching method using a specific in-class sequence of activities. Students first take an individual readiness assurance test (RAT), followed by a group test with their team of 5-6 students, and then teamwork on an application exercise.
- Team-based Learning diagram.pdf (Team-Based Learning Collaborative)
- The Essential Elements of Team-based Learning. Michaelson, LK and Sweet, M. New Directions for Teaching and Learning Special Issue (Team-based Learning: Small-group Learning's Next Big Step), no. 110: Winter 2008.
- Team-based Learning Collaborative
- Webcast Seminars on Team-based Learning (International Association of Medical Science Educators)
Test Item Writing & Test Development
- Item-Writing Workshops (National Board of Medical Examiners)
- Item-Writing Guide (National Board of Medical Examiners)
- NBME U: Online lessons on a range of topics relevant to high-quality assessment. Free to learners through May 2015. Registration required.
Residents as Teachers
DVD Series
DVD with guides and resources to help program directors, clinician educators, and residents take the first step in implementing a resident-as-teacher training program.
Residents as Teachers Curriculum Modules
10 modules that emphasize teaching of medical students by residents. Each module includes a brief PowerPoint that highlights the key teaching strategies.
Residents as Teachers Toolkit
Medical Education Office at Baystate Medical Center, Tufts School of Medicine, has compiled a guide for residents seeking development as teachers, learners, and critical thinkers.
Resident Teaching Skills Toolbox
Free online modules available from the Medical University of South Carolina.
Residents as Educators
Information on resident teaching from the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. Information is presented by Goal, Objectives, Framework, Evaluation, & Revision.
Resident-As-Teacher Guide
A 20 page guidebook that provides an introduction to key medical concepts and corresponding practical tips to support and inform resident’s teaching roles and responsibilities from Tufts University School of Medicine.
Bain, Ken. What the best college teachers do . 2004: Harvard University Press. [collective scholarship of some of the best teachers in the United States]
Edwards, Janine C.; Friedland, Joan A.; and Bing-You, Robert. Residents' Teaching Skills . 2002: Springer Series on Medical Education. [practical guidance to plan, organize, and run a teaching skills program for medical residents]
Weinholtz, Donn and Edwards, Janine. Teaching During Rounds: A Handbook for Attending Physicians and Residents . 1992: The John Hopkins University Press. [a compact, practical handbook, designed to help attending physicians and residents improve their teaching skills]
Whitman, Neal. Creative Medical Teaching . 1990: University of Utah School of Medicine. [provides brief comments on scores of topics presented in alphabetical order]
Schwenk, Thomas L. and Whitman, Neal. Residents as Teachers: A Guide to Educational Practice, 2nd Edition. 1993. Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah School of Medicine: Salt Lake City, UT. [provides useful and current information on how residents can be excellent teachers]
Whitman, Neal; Weiss, Elaine and Lutz, Lawrence. The Chief Resident as Manager. 1993. Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah School of Medicine: Salt Lake City, UT. [information and management principles that apply equally well to the management skills required for any graduate residency program]