Welcome to the Teaching Prescription Pad, where we learn the prescription for effective teaching from the best clinical teachers, teachers who are very experienced and knowledgeable in their particular topics.

Each topic contains a video interview, a podcast, and interview transcript. 

Remediation of the Struggling LearnerDr. Steven CraigVideo LinkPodcast LinkTranscript
Teaching in the Operating RoomDr. Megan McDonaldVideo LinkPodcast LinkTranscript
Observation & FeedbackDr. Marcy RosenbaumVideo LinkPodcast LinkTranscript
One-Minute Preceptor SkillsDr. Ken CheyneVideo LinkPodcast LinkTranscript
Teaching in the Presence of the PatientDr. Ken CheyneVideo LinkPodcast LinkTranscript
Priming the LearnerDr. Kelly SkellyVideo LinkPodcast LinkTranscript
Learner AutonomyDr. Gena BenoitVideo LinkPodcast LinkTranscript